Plenary Speakers
Plenary Talk 1
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Abdelhak M. Zoubir
Professor of Signal Processing
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Merckstr. 25 64283 Darmstadt, Germany.
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Abdelhak M. Zoubir is a Fellow of the IEEE and IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (Class 2010- 2011). He received his Dr.-Ing. from Ruhr- Universität Bochum, Germany in 1992. He was with Queensland University of Technology, Australia from 1992-1998 where he was Associate Professor. In 1999, he joined Curtin University of Technology, Australia as a Professor of Telecommunications and was Interim Head of the School of Electrical & Computer Engineering from 2001 until 2003. In 2003, he moved to Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany as Professor of Signal Processing and Head of the Signal Processing Group. His research interest lies in statistical methods for signal processing with emphasis on bootstrap techniques, robust detection and estimation and array processing applied to telecommunications, radar, sonar, car engine monitoring and biomedicine. He published over 300 journal and conference papers on these areas. Professor Zoubir was Technical Chair of the 11th IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP 2001), General Co-Chair of the 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing & Information Technology (ISSPIT 2003) and of the 5th IEEE Workshop on Sensor Array and Multi-channel Signal Processing (SAM 2008). He is the General Co-Chair of the 14th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances for Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2013), to be held in Darmstadt, Germany and of the 21st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2013), to be held in Marrakech, Morocco. He is the Technical Co-Chair of ICASSP-14 to be held in Florence, Italy. Dr Zoubir was an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (1999-2005), a Member of the Senior Editorial Board of the IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing (2009-2011) and he currently serves on the Editorial Boards of the EURASIP journals Signal Processing and the Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (JASP). He is the Editor-In-Chief of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2012-2014). Dr Zoubir was the Chair of the IEEE SPS Technical Committee Signal Processing Theory and Methods (SPTM) (2010-2011) and a Member of the IEEE SPS Technical Committee Sensor Array and Multi-channel Signal Processing (SAM) (2007-2012). He also serves on the Board of Directors of the European Association of Signal Processing (EURASIP). He was the Guest Co-Editor of 3 special issues on topics in statistical signal processing, one of which is on the bootstrap that appeared in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine SI 24(4) in 2007.
Plenary Talk 2
Prof. Dr. Hikmet Sari
Professor of Telecomunications
Department of Telecommunications, SUPÉLEC, France
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Hikmet Sari received his Engineering Degree and Ph.D. from the ENST, Paris, France, and the post-doctoral Habilitation degree from the University of Paris XI. From 1980 to 2002, he held various research and management positions at the Philips Research Laboratories, SAT, Alcatel, Pacific Broadband Communications, and Juniper Networks. He is currently Professor and Head of the Telecommunications Department of SUPELEC and also Chief Scientist of Sequans Communications. His distinctions include the IEEE Fellow Grade (1995), the André Blondel Medal (also in 1995), the Edwin H. Armstrong Award in 2003, the Harold Sobol Award in 2012, as well as election to Academia Europaea (the Academy of Europe) and to the Science Academy of Turkey in 2012. Dr. Sari has served as an Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Communications (1987 – 1981), a Guest Editor of the European Transactions on Telecommunications (1993) and of the IEEE JSAC (1999), and an Associate Editor of the IEEE Communications Letters (1999 – 2002). He served as a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Communications Society in 2001 – 2006, as a member of the IEEE Fellow Evaluation Committee in 2002 – 2007, and as a member of the Awards Committee in 2005 – 2007. He was Chair of the Communication Theory Symposium of ICC 2002, Technical Program Chair of ICC 2004, Vice General Chair of ICC 2006, General Chair of PIMRC 2010, and General Chair of WCNC 2012. He also chaired the Globecom and ICC Technical Content (GITC) Committee in 2010 – 2011. Currently, he is a Member of the Globecom and ICC Management and Strategy (GIMS) Committee, and is serving as Executive Chair of WCNC 2014 and as Executive Co-Chair of ICC 2016.